II International Symposium on
high temperature
mass spectrometry

Submitting of Symposium materials and preparation instructions

The Proceedings Volume is planned to be published and handed over to the symposium participants on registration.

The DEADLINE for submitting the full-length papers is due March, 30, 2003.

You can download the detailed Author Instructions (in Adobe PDF format) for preparation the full-length paper for the Proceedings Volume.

Electronic version should be sent as a RTF or MS WORD document (version 6.0 or higher). If more than one paper is submitted the filename should contain the presenter's name followed by an optional digit, e.g., smith1.rtf, smith2.rtf.

All the files (optionally packed by ZIP) must be attached to your e-mail message addressed to:
htms2003@isuct.ru (main) or
htms2003@hotbox.ru (reserve).